10 Most Brilliant Ideas that were STOLEN! [Part 1/2 ]
10. The iPhone: Steve Jobs made a name for himself when he famously stated that Apple has 'always been shameless about stealing great ideas' but did the tech juggernaut steal a Florida man's idea for an 'electronic reading device'? Apple found themselves in hot water in June 2016 when Thomas S Ross decided to sue Apple for $10 billion,for stealing his idea.According to Ross [not from the Friends TV Series [i do not like it] ] way back in 1992 he had filed a patent for 'Electronic Reading Device',a rectangular hand held device gadget with a screen.Included in the law suit filing are drawings of Ross' original drawings for the Electronic Reading Device and claims that iPhones are remarkably similar to his drawings. Alongside the 10 billion dollar in compensation,he also demands a royalty i.e. 1.5% of all the future Apple sales.Considering that Apple made $200 billion in revenue in 2016 that would mean an extra 2 billion dollars on top of the payout...