3 Biggest Blunders caused due to Human Mistakes!

1.The Hiroshima Bombing:

At the end of the second world war, the Allies drafted the 'Potsdam Declaration' which demanded Japan's immediate surrender. The Japanese Premier, Kataro Suzuki,sent a communication in response to the request using the Japanese word, 'Mokusatsu'.Mokusatsu can be translated in different ways and Suzuki meant that they were contemplating the matter. However, the translator for the allies misinterpreted the word,thinking it meant that the Japanese were ignoring the request of the Allies. Ten days following the misunderstood communication, the United States had dropped the Atomic Bomb over Hiroshima on July 28,1945 marking the end of the second world war.

2. Constantinople:

The city of Constantinople was once thought to be impenetrable due to the presence of the thick walls around it. Being the capital city of the Byzantine Empire ,it was heavily guarded from the time it was built in around 330 AD. Named after Constantine the Great, the first emperor and founder of the city, it was a force to be reckoned with until 1453 AD. During the end of the middle ages and beginning of the Renaissance period of the Ottoman empire, a fatal human error led to the fall of the entire city. It can entirely be blamed on the failure to lock one of the gates of the 'Impenetrable' wall.Once the Ottomans learnt of the mistake they flooded the city through the gates and took over.
Ironically it was the same gate that the Byzantines used to take over their city back from the Crusaders 200 years earlier.

3. D-Day

In 1944, Adolf Hitler ordered field marshal Erwin Rommel to defend the coast of France. Rommel was convinced that the bad weather would delay the troops waiting to invade. So he took the weekend off to celebrate his wife's birthday . However on June 6,his wife's birthday, the allied forces invaded and took over control of all 5 beaches under Rommel's Guard. It led to a great loss to the German Battalion. The survivors recount that the battle would have gone very differently had Rommel been there to lead them. This led to the German army losing Normandy and the 4 other beaches under him.
[Proved, Rommel was a son of a beach.]


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