10 Everyday Things That are still a Mystery to Science

We tend to take things we see everyday for granted, as we think we have figured out everything in our society.But in reality, the most basic things we encounter actually baffle scientists! Here are 10 everyday things that are still a mystery to science.

1.Peanut Allergies:

A  scientist baffled by everyday things.
Peanut allergies were not quite an everyday thing until the past 20 years,and scientists cannot figure it out.This is because there and so many theories that it takes time to test all of them,time as in years of time.They have come up with a theory that children and growing up in a much cleaner environment than 50 years ago,hence their immunity will not be that good as those of 50 years ago.Another theory is that peanuts are being processed differently today along with the theory that peanuts are getting introduced too late.
'No peanuts please!'


Beside the controversy that tomato is a fruit but is treated like a vegetable,scientists are baffled by tomatoes.Tomatoes have more genes than humans do,and scientists cannot figure out why.Scientists have been continuously studying the genome of the fruit,but nothing conclusive can be determined in solving this mystery.But considering the genes aren't contributing to something substantial the mystery continues.


Animals have something that humans don't,an ability to somehow sense magnetic fields,this is called Magnetoception and scientists are having a hard time explaining this.Example,pigeons do have traces of magnets in their beaks,and this inspired a theory suggesting that animals have magnetic bars in their DNA cells,giving animals the ability to sense magnetic fields and their shift.But there is also another theory claiming even the eyesight of animals is sensitive to magnetic fields.


Hiccups are something we encounter often,much to our annoyance,what makes it more annoying you ask? Scientists cannot figure out why do we get hiccups.It happens when the diaphragm inhales air quickly,it tends to happen when we eat or drink too fast.Doctors cannot figure out why they happen as they do not contribute to any survival tactics and they cannot explain biological response.Not only figuring out why it happens is mind boggling,finding the means how to stop it is annoying too! 


It is one of the most basic actions in our behavior yet it is one of the most complex actions.Even though we do it every day,scientists cannot figure out why we do it.It is true we know how we perceive smiling and we follow the rules of smiling and expressing the joy.How humans learnt how to smile is a mystery.Even blind babies can smile.Scientists say that we learnt how to smile by seeing animals barring their teeth.


 We cry,some of us cry more than others.It is true that we feel sad  but scientists have been trying to figure out why we cry when we are sad.Since we cry when we cut onions or feel pain,Animals have been known to cry when in pain but in humans the case is a bit more different.It goes deeper than just feeling sadness , it can be expressed in a lot of ways.Scientists believe the reason we cry goes back to the early days of man and that presents a physical sign of fear or sadness,might inspire enemies to have mercy on us.

7.Cat's Purr:

We all know cat's purr,but we mistakenly believe that they purr only when they are happy.Science has proved otherwise that cats purr when they are hungry or scared too.That means cats purr respond to their environment.There is no data to prove what is going through a cat's mind while it purrs,leaving the sensation to remain a mystery.


While we humans enjoy breasts in a sexual way,science can't tell why.Infact humans are the only species which have permanently enlarged breasts and we are the only species that are turned on by them.Animals see breasts by their intended purpose;provide milk for the young ones.However for humans , breasts seem to appeal to our sexual needs,science can't provide an answer either.

9.Blue eyes:

All human babies have blue eyes when they are born and then the pigment in their eye takes the regular colour by the time their of age 2. That is adorable but scientists cannot tell us as to why that happens.They believe they might have a lead into cracking this case and they think it has got something to do with melanin but nothing is clearly proved to call this mystery solved.

10.Sexual Orientation:

 This is a topic which has been quite controversial as it determines whether a person is hetero or homo sexual.Scientist cannot seem to figure out as to why we are attracted to a particular gender,or why we find it most appealing.It is said to be biological but it is not figured out yet what part of our biology determines the orientation.Surely society and religions will tell us as to what should we be attracted to but our bodies and minds tells us something else.

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