Is Denver Airport a hub for the Illuminati? #CCT2

CCT2 = Creepiest Conspiracy Theory 2 of 15

On February 28, 1995, the Denver International Airport in America opened its doors and its runways to the general public after falling over a year behind schedule and spending a reported $2 billion more than its original budget had dictated. 
The massive new airport didn’t just take up lots of time and money—it also took up a lot of space: 20 years later, it’s still the largest airport in the United States by area(53 square miles) with the longest public use runway available in the country (runway 16R/34L is 16,000 feet long—approximately three miles). DIA replaced Denver’s old Stapleton International Airport, which was plagued by problems(runways too close together, a general lack of space for necessary expansion), and its creation helped meet some basic needs that Stapleton simply couldn’t. Denver needed more room to serve the various airlines that had made—and wanted to make—the Mile High City a hub of operations, and DIA did just that. 
Well, this sounds normal right? An over-budget project which took a lot of time to complete, well this is case in many of the large scale public projects. But for the last 20 years, people have wondered if DIA—giant, expensive, strange DIA—is home to something far more sinister ... like a conspiracy. Or a lot of conspiracies. 

Proofs supporting this theory:

1. The Runway shape:

Denver Airport has six runways, and they are, according to a spokesperson, designed €œto support the largest jets currently flying€. This spokesperson went on to say that as far as Denver Airport is concerned, the layout of them looks like a pinwheel. To other observers however, their arrangement looks suspiciously like one of the most contentious and loaded symbols in all of history €“ the swastika. Granted, this may sound ridiculous at first, but one look at the airport over on Google Maps shows beyond doubt that the runways are laid out in that very shape. If we can see it with one glance, it€™s inconceivable that whoever designed them could have missed it, which leads us to just one conclusion €“ it was deliberate. What is also clearly deliberate is what surrounds these runways, a series of barbed wire fences. Alone, these are pretty unremarkable, but when you look at which way they face, things take a dark turn €“ they are turned inwards, not out. Yeah, they are designed to stop people escaping, not to stop intruders. A possible reason? Maybe its a helipad visible from space so the alien lizards know where to land if they want to visit for vacation? Who knows?

2. The mysterious cracking of airplane windshields:

 As we€™ve seen, Denver Airport is pretty weird. But as that old saying goes, you shouldn€™t judge a book by its cover, so the proof of New World Order involvement in its running would have to be a bit more substantial than €œit all looks a bit creepy€. As chance would have it, there are some pretty strange happenings linked to the airport. Like that one day in 2007 when 14 separate plane windshields cracked, all within 90 minutes of each other. This is not a normal figure for any airport, and an aviation expert told ABC News that it was €œnot only unusual, I know of no precedent for anything like this where multiple windshields have been cracked simply by being in a particular place at a particular time.€ The National Transportation Safety Board[NTSB] investigated the reasons for this, and cited the vague and disconcerting €œforeign object debris€ as the main offender. However, they couldn€™t point the finger at what this debris actually was or where it came from. Now some believe that the reason they couldn€™t be more precise is that this supposed debris doesn€™t exist, and the real cause of the cracked windshields is electromagnetic pulses generated by the vast testing site hidden under the airport. Once perfected, these pulses will allegedly be used to control people when they are in alpha state trances. This is the zombie-like stupor the Illuminati will use to subordinate the masses after their day of reckoning has come, and we have all been transformed into their loyal slaves.
This video by ABC news might help:

3. Miles of Underground Tunnels that are unused [atleast thats what they say]

Under Denver Airport is a vast series of tunnels that, at least in the official version, are unused. They were allegedly conceived to be part of an automated baggage system, but that failed on its very first test, and was immediately abandoned. You would think that having spent billions of dollars on the airport, its owners would at least make a cursory attempt to fix what must have been an expensive mistake. Instead these tunnels are lying idle right beneath millions of people€™s feet. Or are they? Many people believe they are in fact part of the huge buried city beneath the airport, the use of which is debated, even among anti-Illuminati circles. Some argue that it€™s populated by the shape-shifting lizard aliens who make up the upper echelons of the New World Order. Others say it€™s actually a future Nazi prison and concentration camp, a theory which is hinted at above ground at the airport, more of which later. A few even think it€™s an underground bunker designed to save all the most important people in the world when the apocalypse finally comes. This particular theory is given extra credence by none other than President Obama, who visited Denver Airport in 2011. He just happened to arrive on the same day that Comet Elenin came within 22 million miles of Earth (a very near miss in astronomical terms[WTF]). If it had struck us, it€™s likely that much life on our planet would have become extinct, so was Obama€™s appearance at that exact moment purely a coincidence? Or were his minders, with their intimate knowledge of these secret bunkers, being extra cautious with his life?
not actual image duh dumbass

5. Terrifying Gargoyles Watch Over The Baggage Claim Area

Actual Gergoyles
Unnerving experiences are not reserved for those flying out of Denver Airport either. Just so nobody feels left out, they€™ve made sure that arrivals feel a sense of terror as well. So when you disembark your plane and go to fetch your bag, you€™ll be watched over by two creepy gargoyles, another art installation, this time called Notre Denver. Ostensibly they are there to do the job gargoyles were originally intended to do, which is protect a place from harm. Originating in the Middle Ages, €œgrotesques€ were often added to Catholic cathedrals to deter evil spirits from entering. Now a place of worship would logically be somewhere that these otherworldly evildoers might attack, but a baggage claim area? Surely even ghosts with bad intentions are more imaginative than that, which makes the gargoyles of Denver Airport seem completely out of place. So why are they there? As we€™ve already seen, the Freemasons funded and built the airport, so it figures that these gargoyles serve as grotesques for their own cathedral €“ the airport itself. Another theory suggests that instead of being there to ward off evil spirits, they actually represent the reptilian alien overlords who have shape-shifted into humans and now rule over us incognito. In other words, they are statues of the secret cabal of Illuminati who built the airport. Finally, to make things just that little bit more bizarre, each one has a plaque at its base, which for seemingly no reason at all, explains that each gargoyle is "roughly the size of a fifth-grade-boy."

6.Built by the 'New World Airport Commision'

If you take a walk to the south end of Denver Airport€™s terminal, you€™ll find a stone plaque marking the spot where a time capsule is buried. It contains messages and memorabilia for the people of Colorado in the year 2094 €“ so far so normal. But one glance at the plaque reveals that none other than two Grand Masters of local Freemasons€™ lodges actually laid it. We know this because it has their names €“ Claude W. Gray Senior and Benjamin H. Bell Junior €“ right there on the stone, beside the Freemasons€™ logo, their distinctive square and compasses. Now as everyone is aware, the Masons are foot soldiers for the Illuminati, even if they aren€™t overly keen about hiding away. But the stone€™s not-so-subtle links to the Illuminati don€™t end there. Below the Masons€™ logo and the dedication date is a list of people who helped fund the airport, one of which is the New World Airport Commission. The New World Airport Commission does not exist in any way, shape or form. What does exist though is the New World Order, which we all know is another name for the Illuminati. It doesn€™t take a genius to put two and two together and work out who was really behind the funding of Denver Airport.

7. There Are Markings On The Floor That Reference Biological Weapons

As we'€™ve already discovered, the walls of Denver Airport are covered in demonic depictions of death and destruction, so as you walk around, killing time before you can get the hell out of there and onto your plane, you'll probably be keeping your gaze firmly on the floor. But etched onto that floor are markings that reference biological weapons and the end of the world as we know it. One is a mining cart with Au and Ag in its centre. Airport authorities say this represents the chemical symbols for gold and silver, both of which were found in great quantities in Colorado in the late 19th century. Anti-Illuminati theorists believe it references something much more sinister: Australian Antigen, which is a deadly strain of hepatitis, and could potentially be used to kill millions if released. Other etchings are written in Navajo, supposedly to reflect Colorado€™s Native American history. One in particular - DZIT DIT GAII €“ has piqued interest. It translates as €œwhite mountain€ in Navajo, but anti-Illuminati conspiracists claim it€™s also a phrase from the language of the lizard overlords that secretly control the world, Dracos. A scholar who claims to be a Reptilian Linguist analysed this phrase and concluded that it actually means that the Illuminati are waiting for a saviour they call the Death Defier to turn up, and he or she will turn Denver Airport into a €œblack hole of death€.

8. The Blood Thirsty Murals on the walls:


So the glowing red hell beast has already freaked you out, and you€™ve not even set foot inside Denver Airport yet. €œMaybe,€ you think, €œthings will be a little more sedate once we get in.€ Think again, because the devil€™s own art gallery awaits you, in the form of two huge doomsday murals painted by Texan artist Leo Tanguma. They are titled Children Of The World Dream Of Peace and In Peace And Harmony With Nature, and if they sound like they€™ll be all hippy dippy, you€™re sadly mistaken. They come in the form of diptychs, and in the first half of Children€ a huge man in army uniform wearing a gas mask literally stabs a dove to death with a cutlass. As he does this a line of terrified people cower and weep against a post-apocalyptic backdrop. In its second half he has been killed and all the children are happy, especially a boy in the front who is about to beat his lifeless corpse with a hammer. In Peace€ an all-engulfing fire approaches horrified children who are weeping over three open coffins, while animals die around them. It€™s generally accepted that airports should try and make travellers feel as relaxed and comfortable before they board their flight. But not at Denver Airport.

9. It Has A Sculpture Of A Demonic Horse

Your first indication that something at Denver Airport is not right is visible before you even take a step inside the terminal. On the road which leads to the main building is a sculpture named Blue Mustang, that is so terrifying locals have dubbed it Blucifer. It€™s actually a 32-foot-tall wild horse, rearing up on its hind legs. Oh and it€™s painted metallic blue, is disarmingly anatomically correct, and its eyes and veins light up RED at night. In fact the sculpture€™s designer Luis Jimenez originally wanted the eyes to not only glow, but to have actual lasers firing out of them. Presumably whoever the Illuminati€™s Doctor Evil is vetoed that as too obvious - that kind of thing would just scream €œDANGER€ to be honest. Jimenez€™s reasons for building this malevolent beast from hell will never be known, because the sculpture actually killed him. In 2006, two years before it was installed outside the airport, a 9,000 pound section of it fell on him, severing an artery in his leg.


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